Regen Session Library

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In this bundle, designed for the rehab professional, you get one of the most popular regen sessions, "Reset Your Nervous System," and a written break down of every single exercise within the regen session. I review the clinical reasoning and thoughtful intention of programming the entire session. This is a perfect way to improve your toolbox of techniques for treating the CNS container and the ANS.

When our autonomic nervous system lacks resiliency and is out of balance our ability to heal and recover from stress is limited. This often looks like increased sensitivity to pain, decreased range of motion, increased tension in the central and peripheral nervous system, lack of strength, and poor movement and performance.

The most common prescription for "resetting" the ANS is to utilize breathing exercises- which frankly don't work for everyone.

If you are looking for more tools to downshift the ANS and tap into the parasympathetic state and increase vagal tone, which can then make breathing exercises even more accessible and successful this regen(eration) movement session bundle is for you!

This bundle includes both the “Neural Reset” and “Reset Your Nervous System” regen sessions.

Our lymphatic system relies on movement and healthy mobility of the joints and fascia to optimize flow throughout the body. When these fluid channels get blocked or clogged or have diminished flow, we tend to have stagnant swelling, which causes toxicity, pain, dysfunction, and poor health. Keeping your lymph happy means feeling better all around.

These full-length regen movement sessions focus on stimulating the rest and recovery mode of the nervous system and supporting areas of vasculature and lymphatic structures that will help decrease swelling from injury, travel, or poor circulation.

Each session employs breathing, touch, imagery, and gentle movement in specific body areas related to the parasympathetic nervous system and the MovementREV Swelling Reduction Protocol key areas of entrapment and treatment.

Not only will you see a decrease in swelling within the session or the first 24 hours after, but you will also feel an improvement in spinal mobility, general full body mobility, energy, and state of relaxation.

This bundle includes the “Lymph Love” and “Decrease Swelling and Improve Circulation” regen sessions.


Lymph Love

Our lymphatic system relies on movement and healthy mobility of the joints and fascia to optimize flow throughout the body. When these fluids channels get blocked or clogged or have diminished flow we tend to have stagnant swelling which causes toxicity, pain, and dysfunction, not to mention poor health. Keeping your lymph happy means feeling better all around.

This full length regen session using breathing, imagery, and movement helps to open up areas of blockage and decrease stagnation.

You will feel an improvement of spinal mobility, general full body mobility, and energy. If you have noticeable areas of swelling you will likely see a decrease within the session or by 24hrs later.

No props are needed in this session, though a pillow, bolster, or towel roll could be helpful for seated positions. It is 40min long and uses a body scan in standing as the check in to improve body awareness.

Reset Your Nervous System

This 26min session uses 1 small soft ball and pillows or a bolster if you have them, but are not necessary. The check in's are a body scan in seated.

During this session you will cover:

  1. neural resets

  2. breathing

20 Min to Plant your Feet and Open Your Hips

Spending 20min moving from the floor to open your hips and feet. Notice how these simple tools affect the whole body.

This regen session requires no props, however you may be more comfortable using a bolster for the seated position.

Support Your Kidneys and Change Your Hips

The kidneys are intrinsically linked to your musculoskeletal system. Kidneys need space to move with each breath we take and with each movement. When a kidney is not able to move it is more likely to cause low back pain, limit mobility in the trunk and hip s and can even cause pain in the hips, knees, and feet.

This full length regen session using breathing, imagery, movement, and neural mobilizations to provide space for and encourage movement of the kidneys.

You will feel an improvement of trunk rotation, hip flexion performance and single leg balance, hip mobility, and ankle mobility. You may also decrease back pain and knee pain and balance your energy.

No props are needed in this session, though a pillow, bolster, or towel roll could be helpful. It is 45min long and using a body scan in standing, and range of motion check-ins of hip flexion and trunk rotation.

46 min Improve Your Dynamic Alignment

This session uses no props, however you may find it helpful to have a pillow, bolster, or towel roll nearby for the seated position.

The check in's during this session are a guided body scan in standing and range of motion checks of thoracic rotation and forward fold.

This session will be great to improve overall dynamic alignment, foot and ankle mobility, spine mobility, hip mobility, balance, and coordination.

51 Min Balance Your Center

This session uses no props, however you may find it helpful to have a pillow, bolster, or towel roll nearby for the seated position.

The check in's during this session are a guided body scan in standing and quick standing and seated dynamic alignment check ins.

This session will be great to improve overall dynamic alignment, spine mobility, hip mobility, balance, and coordination.

49 Min Free Your Spine on the Floor

This session uses no props, however you may find it helpful to have a towel roll nearby for beneath you head.

The check in's during this session are a guided body scan in lying on your back with the arms over head. Keep in mind, if you shoulders are uncomfortable in this position, to bring them by your side or support them with props.

This session will be great to improve hip mobility, thoracic mobility, and ankle mobility.



50 Min Full Length Regen Session

This session uses the Yoga Tune Up Therapy Balls, the Coregeous ball, and 2 Franklin Balls. The check in's are a body scan in standing and standing trunk rotation.

During this session you will cover:

  1. parasympathetic nervous system stimulation / ANS balance

  2. neck and thoracic mobility

  3. spinal mobility

  4. breathing

  5. hip and pelvic mobility

  6. rolling patterns

  7. kneeling transitions

  8. hip stability

Full Length Regen Session with Props

This 38min session uses 2 Coregeous Balls and 1 orange Franklin Balls OR 1 Coregeous Ball and 2orange Franklin Balls. The check in's are a body scan in standing, and a hamstring stretch. During this session you will cover:

  1. Neural resets

  2. SI joint mobility

  3. Spine mobility

  4. Hip Mobility

  5. Thoracic Mobility

53 Min Full Length Regen Session

This session uses 2 orange Franklin Balls, 1 Coregeous Ball, 1 set of Yoga Tune Up Therapy Balls. The check in's are a body scan in standing, KOT squat, standing side bending, and standing rotation.

During this session you will cover:

  1. neural resets

  2. SI joint mobility

  3. Spine mobility

  4. Ankle and foot mobility

  5. Lower body nerve glides

53 Min Full Length Regen Session

This session uses two orange Franklin Balls and 1 set of Yoga Tune Up Therapy Balls and a bolster if needed. The check in's are a body scan in standing, forward fold, and a long sit.

During this session you will cover:

  1. foot and ankle mobility

  2. Low Back Fascial Mobility

  3. Hamstring Mobility

  4. Tibial Nerve Mobilization

  5. TFL Mobility

  6. hip mobility

  7. breathing and thoracic mobility

  8. parasympathetic nervous system stimulation / ANS balance

54 min Full Length Regen Session

47 Min Full Length Regen Session

This session uses 1 orange Franklin Balls, 1 Coregeous Ball, 1 set of Yoga Tune Up Therapy Balls, and a yoga block. The check in's are a body scan in standing, standing rotation, a forward fold, and a squat.

During this session you will cover:

  1. neural reset

  2. neck mobility

  3. thoracic mobility

  4. breathing

  5. SI joint and hip mobility

  6. Spine mobility

Decrease Swelling and Improve Circulation

This 45min session uses 1 Coregeous Ball, 1 orange Franklin Ball, and 1 Yoga Tune Up Therapy or Therapy Plus ball. Having a yoga block and bolster or pillows is helpful as well. The check in is a body scan in standing.

This session is focused on stimulating the rest and recover mode of the nervous system as well as supporting areas of vasculature and lymphatic structures that will help to decrease swelling from injury, travel, and poor circulation.

Neural Reset (57 Min Full Length Regen Session)

This session uses two orange Franklin Balls. 1 or 2 Coregeous Balls, 1 Coregeous Ball Straw (or a regular straw), 1 set of Yoga Tune Up Therapy Balls, and a bolster.

The check in's are a body scan in seated and breathing mobility.

During this session you will cover:

  1. foot and ankle mobility

  2. low Back Fascial Mobility

  3. hip mobility breathing and thoracic mobility

  4. parasympathetic nervous system stimulation/ANS balance heart coherence and interoception