Pain On the Sacrum


Low back pain directly on the sacrum is almost always has a visceral connection.

The most common organs that cause pain here are the uterus, ovaries, and prostate. However the rectum and bladder can also be culprits of sacrum pain.

Working with a manual therapist trained in visceral manipulation may be helpful as well as seeing a physician to address any function and physiological issues.

To support this area from a self care or exercise standpoint can also be very beneficial. I have all the swipes for you to learn some strategies. ➡️➡️➡️➡️

The pelvis and pelvic organs have a lost of associated vasculature and often pain and dysfunction can be from venous and lymphatic congestion. So the first few solutions are aimed at supporting this component. You could also support this by checking out the FREE MovementREV Swelling Reduction protocol. (Link in bio.)

The next drills are aimed at the sacrum itself, providing compression, decompression, and movement that can help mobilize the organs and decrease pain.

The last exercise is a bit more specific to the relationship between the sacrum, pubic bone, hips and bladder.

As with all drills and exercises be sure to check how you feel before and after so you can know exactly which one or combination of exercises helped you the most.


Listening to the Body and Pain


Hip Labrum Pain