Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

In ‘04 I started having episodes of food getting caught in my esophagus, it would start with hiccups while eating, then food would get stuck, I couldn’t even swallow water to “wash it down”. The water would come right back up, & eventually the food would too.⁣

I had no idea why it was happening or even what was happening. I went to a Dr. to get help & his answer was that I was subconsciously bulimic.⁣

Yes, that was his diagnosis. Because it often happen while eating bread, his logic was since I was overweight & knew I *shouldn’t be* eating carbs, I was subconsciously making myself sick. ⁣

At the time I wasn’t confident enough in myself to tell him to fuck off, & honestly I think I was shocked that he even said it.⁣

So I lived with it. 2 years later I eliminated wheat from my diet & I wasn’t having symptoms.⁣

That lead me to get an Ig-G food sensitivity test and eliminate my food sensitivities. I saw a GI specialist & got a diagnosis- eosinophilic esophagitis (EE).⁣

EE is a build up of white blood cells in the esophagus as a result of allergens, food sensitivities, and acid reflux (GERD).⁣

The GI doc gave me corticosteroids. It helped but I was determined to heal things naturally.⁣

Over the years I have learned that my symptoms are aggravated by wheat & high sulphur foods.⁣

And my symptoms are hiccups especially after periods of fasting, belching, sensitivity to hot liquids, left ear pain, & neck pain. I now rarely have episodes of dysphagia, impaction, or regurgitation.⁣

2 yrs ago, I had an endoscopy to see how things were & the EE was gone! The reflux remains.⁣

GERD can lead to cell dysplasia and increases the risk of esophageal cancer. So treating it is still important not just for my symptoms. ⁣

Supplements that I find helpful:⁣

  • DGL (deglycerolized licorice)- increases mucous production & protects the esophagus & has been shown to heal and renew the cells. This type of licorice is w/o the part of the licorice that causes high blood pressure.⁣ (I drink tea- b/c licorice 🤢)

    • Molybdenum- this mineral helps with sulphur sensitivity by helping to convert sulphur into sulphate⁣


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