MovementREV — Anna Hartman

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Rest Postures vs. Stretching vs. Mobility

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In this week's episode, we're talking rest postures versus stretching versus mobility. What the heck is the difference and why does it matter? What you're going to find out is it boils down to your intention and your attention during the exercises.

I share about learning Phillip Beach's contractile field theory and archetypal postures of repose (rest postures) and how it was a pivotal learning moment for me 8 years ago. Not only did this make sense from a developmental movement standpoint and feel like a missing piece to the entire functional movement picture, but it was a novel way to access rest.

Within the context of understanding the power of the rest postures was also, a fundamental understanding of how it related to the nervous system and mirrored some osteopathic principles I was exploring at the same time, which continues to be a main driver in the MovementREV philosophy and methodology.

Resources mentioned in the episode:
Phillip Beach's book 'Muscles and Meridians':
Blog Post about Rest Postures:

Check out the IG resources on rest postures with the hashtag #movementrevrestpostures

Considering the viscera as a source of musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction is a great way to ensure a more true whole body approach to care, however it can be a bit overwhelming on where to start, which is exactly why I created the Visceral Referral Cheat Sheet. This FREE download will help you to learn the most common visceral referral patterns affecting the musculoskeletal system. Download it at

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