EBP Police

In this week's episode I share a recap on a busy month and my thoughts on the evidence based practice police on the internet and why inherently all research is biased and no matter how strong the statistics are it still is not the end all be all on what is actually happening inside the human organism. That due to the nature of all the variables, it is nearly impossible to know exactly why and how our treatment strategies often work. So why can't we just all get along? Lol

Resources mentioned in the episode:
The Barral Institute: https://www.barralinstitute.com/
New Manual Articular Approach: http://shop.iahe.com/Workshops/New-Manual-Articular-Approach-Spine-Pelvis-MASP
Lisa Brady-Grant, DC, BI-D: https://www.iahp.com/lisabradygrant/
Lex Lancaster: https://www.instagram.com/lexlancaster_/

Considering the viscera as a source of musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction is a great way to ensure a more true whole body approach to care, however it can be a bit overwhelming on where to start, which is exactly why I created the Visceral Referral Cheat Sheet. This FREE download will help you to learn the most common visceral referral patterns affecting the musculoskeletal system. Download it at www.unrealresultspod.com

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