MovementREV — Anna Hartman

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Periods & ACL Tears: Must Know Info To Reduce Injury

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In this episode of the Unreal Results podcast, I’m talking about a topic that’s been on my mind as of late: the connection between the menstrual cycle and ACL tears. First & foremost, I truly believe that everyone, including non-healthcare providers & men, should understand the menstrual cycle and how it affects the body’s hormones.  I challenge the general assumptions made about ligament laxity and when ligamentous injuries frequently occur by analyzing what’s actually happening during the menstrual cycle.  I also talk about ALL of the ways that female athletes can reduce their risk of ACL tears and other ligamentous injuries.  I hope that you’re able to have some excellent takeaways from this episode and share them with anyone that has a female in their life!

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
The Period Repair Manual by Lara Briden*
Tina Haupert - CarrotsnCake on IG
Episode 58: The Whole Organism Approach w/ Dr. Nicole Cozean
Episode 49: Pain On The Sacrum
Episode 25: The Peripheral Heart
Episode 20: Reflexive Core Stability: Lessons From My Back Surgery - Part 3
Sacrum Pain - Relief Exercises You Haven't Tried... - YouTube Video
Research Articles
- Sensitivity of the fasciae to sex hormone levels: Modulation of collagen-I, collagen-III and fibrillin production
- The Menstrual Cycle, Sex Hormones, and Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury
- Cyclic variations in multiplanar knee laxity influence landing biomechanics
- Sex differences in knee joint laxity change across the female menstrual cycle
- The effects of the menstrual cycle on anterior knee laxity: a systematic review

*This link is an Amazon affiliate link, meaning I earn a commission from any qualifying purchases that you make

Considering the viscera as a source of musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction is a great way to ensure a more true whole body approach to care, however it can be a bit overwhelming on where to start, which is exactly why I created the Visceral Referral Cheat Sheet. This FREE download will help you to learn the most common visceral referral patterns affecting the musculoskeletal system. Download it at

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