ITB Tightness and the Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve


Let’s talk about the IT band often create the feeing of “tightness”.⁣

So a better way to change that feeling is to free the nerve to glide. The most common area of entrapment is at the ASIS and inguinal ligament.⁣

However you can chose many spots along the nerve to treat. How do you treat it?! That depends on your profession, your skill level, and the tool of your choice.⁣

The technique and tool ultimately doesn’t matter as much a the principle and reasoning behind doing it.⁣

Some options- a dynamic cup with a skin lift, a skin lift or stretch with your hand or a coregeous ball, a yoga tune up ball around the area of entrapment not directly on the nerve, exercises to widen the sits bones to change the tension over the inguinal ligament, a fine filament needle along the iliolata ligament or at the junction of the inguinal ligament and ASIS.⁣

I have used them all with great results because again the technique does not matter as much as the reason and intention of my treatment!⁣

Want to learn about both these neural based principles and gather new tools? Join me in the next REVitalize Mentorship program.


The Parasympathetic Nervous System vs the Sympathetic Nervous System


The body is always working for you— Importance of Neurological Safety